Lektion 5 of 7
In Progress

Quellen und Hinweise

Alvaredo, F., Chancel, L., Piketty, T., Saez, E., & Zucman, G. (Eds.), World inequality report 2018, Belknap Press 2018

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Esping-Andersen, G., The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, Princeton 1990

Fischer, K. Die Geografie der weltweiten Einkommensungleichheit: Eine Lotterie der Geburt. In Fischer, K., Grandner, M. (Ed.) Globale Ungleichheit. Vienna Mandelbaum Verlag 2019.  

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Mosquera, I., González-Rábago,Y., Martín, U. & Bacigalupe, A., Review of socio-economic inequalities in life expectancy and health expectancy in Europe. Working Paper, University of the Basque Country, 2018

Novy, A., Bärnthaler, R. & Heimerl, V., Zukunftsfähiges Wirtschaften, Weinheim 2020

Oxfam, Confronting Carbon Inequality – Putting Climate Justice at the heart of the COVID-19 recovery, 2020, (retrieved 15/06/2021)

Piketty, T., Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Harvard 2014

Piketty, T., Capital as Ideology, Harvard 2020

Pomerantz, K., The Great Divergence: China, Europe, and the Making of the Modern World Economy, Princeton 2000 

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Therborn, G. The Killingfields of Inequality, Polity Press 2013

Thompson, Social Class – An Introduction to the Concept, 2016, (retrieved 15/06/2021)

United Nations Environment Programme, Emissions Gap Report 2020, 2020, (retrieved 15/06/2021)

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