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Notas finales

1 Rutherford, D. (2007), Economics: The Key Concepts, New York: Routledge, p.34

2 Taylor T., The Blurry Line Between Competition and Cooperation, Available at:

3 Horwitz S., Economics as the Study of Peaceful Human Cooperation and Progress, Speech, Available at:

4 International Economics – Theory and Policy, p.53, Available at:

5 Daniels J.D., Radebaugh L.H., (1994), International business Environments and Operations, 7th edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, p.170-171

6 Appleyard D., Field A., (2014), International Economics, 8th edition , McGraw-Hill/Irwin, p.58

7 Fernandez-Nunez T., Marquez M.A., (2014), The dynamics of trade composition: Do trade-type interdependencies matter?, The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 23(5), pages 710-734, p.3

8 Rutherford D., (2007)… p.209

9 Cameron F., (2010), The European Union as a Model for Regional Integration, Council on Foreign Relations,, p.2

10 Van Hove J., (2010), Variety and quality in intra-European manufacturing trade: the impact of innovation and technological spillovers, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, Taylor & Francis Journals, Vol. 13, No. 1, 43–59, p. 45

11 Szczepański M., (2019), EU competition policy Key to a fair single market, European Parliamentary Research Service, Available at:, p.1-2

12 Congressional Research Service, (2019), The European Union: Questions and Answers, Available at:, p.2

13 EC, Trade Barriers Report, Available at:

14 EC, Enforcement and protection, Available at:

15 EC, Trade Barriers Report …

16 EC, Success story: Polish baby milk producer gains access to Egyptian market Available at:

17 Jean S., Perrot A., Philippon T., Competition and trade: Which policies for Europe?, Available at:–competition-and-trade-whichpolicies.htm

18 Szczepański M., (2019)… p.30-31

19 Hoekman B., (2015), Trade and growth – end of an era? [in:] The Global Trade Slowdown: A New Normal? A eBook, Centre for Economic Policy Research, CEPR Press, London,, p.6

20 EC, Trade means jobs, Available at:

21 Lind N., Ramondo N., (2019), The Economics of Innovation, Knowledge Diffusion, and Globalization, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance, p.2

22 Zeddies G., (2013), Skill Content of Intra-European Trade Flows, European Journal of Comparative Economics, Cattaneo University (LIUC), vol. 10(1), pages 81-107, p.99

23 Czech Radio, (2005), Polish plumber and nurse feature in ads countering perception of cheap labour from East, 07/29/2005, Available at:

24 Baldwin R., Collier P., Venables A., (2017), Post-Brexit trade and development policy, Policy Insight No.88, CEPR, Available at: p.2

25 Baldwin R., Collier P., Venables A., (2017)…, p.6

26 Ghidiu I.A., (2020), Contemporary patterns of transatlantic trade cooperation in a post-Brexit European Union (dis)order, CES Working Papers, Centre for European Studies, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, vol. 11(4), pages 302-319, p.303

27 Council of the European Union , (2019), Council decision of 15 April 2019, Available at:

28 win-win [in:] Cambridge Dictionary Online, Available at:

29 User guide on European statistics on international trade in goods 2016 edition, Eurostat, Available at:

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