Inequality: what should be done?
Background information11 Topics
What is inequality
History and presence of global inequality
Income inequality within countries and regions
Wealth inequality within countries and regions
Carbon Inequality
Vital inequality
Existential inequality
Drivers of inequality
What can be done about inequality?
How traditional welfare regimes deal with inequality
Tackling inequality in times of climate crisis
What is inequality
Interactive learningDeepen your knowledge2 Topics
Training materialExercises for group activities6 Topics
Conscious inequality walk
Activity title | Conscious Inequality Walk |
Overview | Participants go out of the workshop room/their home to perceive and reflect on how inequality shows up in their surroundings |
Objective | To sharpen one’s view on visible and invisible inequalities through conscious exploration and open discussion |
Materials | Pens and paper |
Time | 45-60 minutes |
Group size | Works for all group sizes |
Instructions for trainers |
Debriefing and evaluation | For the debriefing read chapter 1.6 “Drivers of inequality”. Some optional ideas for in-depth conversations:
Tips for trainers | A popular activity that uses the physical space to learn about privileges and inequalities is the so-called “privilege walk”. One version can be found below. The method needs to be used with caution and shouldn’t be applied in all contexts, as it can be triggering for people facing forms of discrimination |