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Find out what is the level of openness (0-100%) and the share of exports for one or more top trading partners (0-100%) now and in the past (the longer the period, the more clear the results, so use at least a 3 or 5 years time period). Illustrate data for different EU countries with a chart (XY type): past and present. To download data for all EU countries check following resources:

– GDP from Gross domestic product at market prices, Available at:

 – Trade balance, Exports, Imports from International trade by reporting country in total 2013-2019, Available at:

Compare and discuss the results. Can you identify any patterns of intra-EU trade flows? If so, can you explain it by referring to a country’s characteristics like size, wealth, cultural similarities etc.?

Check the trade balance for the selected countries. How has it changed for the chosen period?

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