Bank of England, Money creation in the modern economy, Quarterly Bulletin 2014 Q1, 2014 public-friendly explanation of the different types of money, such as fiat money, credit money, cash, non-cash central bank money, bank deposits; confirmation of the bank’s creation of deposit money through loans.
Binswanger, Mathias (2015), Geld aus dem Nichts: Wie Banken Wachstum ermöglichen und Krisen verursachen, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlag Only on the creation of money by commercial banks and the relationship between banks and a central bank; a nice description of the historical development of the banking system.
Deutsche Bundesbank (2017), The role of banks, non- banks and the central bank in the money creation process, Deutsche Bundesbank Monthly Report April 2017, 13-32, 2017; very technical explanation of bank money creation and the relationship of banks and central bank; official rejection of “banks as financial intermediaries” and money creation multiplier.
Ehnts, Dirk (2016), Modern Monetary Theory and European Macroeconomics, Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking; systematic MMT-analysis of our two-staged money system: description of money creation by banks, central banks and governments, detailed treatment of the Eurozone situation. The whole topic is presented strictly on the basis of T-accounts. The present text is strongly influenced by this book in terms of content and form; for non-economists it is not an easy read.
Ehnts, Dirk (2017), „Modern Monetary Theory“ und Europäische Makroökonomie in Berliner Debatte Initial 28 (2017) 3, S. 89-103, 2017 MMT overview in an easy-to-read article.
Hermann, Ulrike (2013), Der Sieg des Kapitals: Wie der Reichtum in die Welt kam: Die Geschichte von Wachstum, Geld und Krisen, Frankfurt (Main): Westend Verlag; very entertaining introduction to a demand-oriented reading of our economies, including credit money and the gold standard, economic crises, the 2008 financial crisis and the problems of the Eurozone; even more public friendly: the YouTube lectures by UH on this and her other books.
Hofmann, Alex (2017), Demokratie und Währung: Grundbegriffe einer empirischen Geldtheorie, pdf unter https://www.pufendorf-gesellschaft.org/grundbegriffe-empirischer-geldtheor ; MMT-overview with graphics and bullet points.
Kelton, Stephanie (2020), The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People’s Economy; very readable book for a general audience, by the well-known MMT economist and consultant of Bernie Sanders; highly recommended as an introduction and for an effortless deepening also her lectures on youtube.
Mitchell/Wray/Watts (2016) , Modern Monetary Theory and Practice: An Introductory Text Modern Money Theory: A Primer on Macroeconomics for Sovereign Monetary Systems, Second Edition, 2015; an introductory textbook for university-level macroeconomics students on MMT.
Mosler, Warren (2010), The 7 deadly innocent frauds of economic policy, St. Croix: Valance Co., Inc; easy to read with interesting insights into the applicability of MMT to the financial markets, but strongly oriented towards the US-American context.
Wray, L. Randall (1998), Understanding Modern Money: The Key to Full Employment and Price Stability. Edward Elgar Publishing, 1998; a classic of MMT: history of money, function of taxes, deficit spending and government bonds, MMT job guarantee, sophisticated; see also: lecture on youtube.
Videos/Podcasts (retrieved 14.05.20):
Bezemer, Dirk, Debt 1-4 (University of Groningen) https://www.pufendorf-gesellschaft.org/debt-1-4
Ehnts, Dirk (2019), Eine Einführung in die Modern Money(tary) Theory, Neue Geldordnung https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOGVKoLQwl4
Ehnts, Dirk (2020), MMT: blessing or curse?’ Presented at the IIMR/IEA Conference on ‘Monetary policy versus fiscal policy; which is best? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUzEaEA-6kw
Ehnts, Dirk (2019), Modern Money Theory – Interview mit Dr. Dirk Ehnts , Money Masters Germany, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7l3PrtZ19rQ
Hermann, Ulrike (2016), Der Sieg des Kapitals – Vortrag von Ulrike Herrmann in der auto-kultur werkstatt, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLkxTjLFx4M
Hermann, Ulrike (2020), Herrmann & Schick über Europa und den Crash, Webinar: Krisengespräche, 29.04. 2020, Finanzwende, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gm86371DnXE
Kelton, Stephanie (2020), 2020 Harcourt Lecture, Prof. Stephanie Kelton, https://www.pufendorf gesellschaft.org/videos
Kelton, Stephanie (2018), But How Will We Pay for It? Making Public Money Work for Us, Presidential Lecture Series, Stony Brook University, 15.10.2018, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WS9nP-BKa3M
Kelton, Stephanie (2018), The Public Purse, UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP) and the British Library, 18.06.2018, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IBEoWSiTHc
Kelton, Stephanie (2018), Top 10 Things Stephanie Kelton Wants You to Know About the Economy, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpyuqKLh6QU
Wray, Randall (2019), Everything You Want to Know About Modern Monetary Theory, Bloomberg Markets and Finance, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sd-ElKMbPI
Wray, Randall (2018), Modern Money Theory for Beginners, St. Francis College https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5JTn7GS4oA
Websites/Blogs (retrieved 14.05.20):
Pufendorf Gesellschaft: https://www.pufendorf-gesellschaft.org/modern-money
Hamburg Open Online University, „Was ist Geld?“ https://was-ist-geld.de/einfuehrung/
Blog: Ehnts, Dirk: https://econoblog101.wordpress.com/
Blog: Mitchell, Bill: http://bilbo.economicoutlook.net/blog/