Lección 1, Tema 1
En Progreso

Existential inequality

Existential inequality

Existential inequality refers to forms of stigmatisation and discrimination. Racism, sexism, ableism or ageism (among others) describe systemic patterns of inequality based on ascribed group memberships, that are also effective as resource and vital inequality  (i.e. women earn less, contribute less to and suffer more from the climate crisis).  The concept of intersectionality highlights how these systemic patterns for different social groups are always connected and lead to multiple oppressions and privileges for certain groups of people at once. Although progress has been made in many countries over the last decades in anti-discrimination legislation, it remains a cause of profound inequalities. To fully understand the social reality of inequality, we need to look at existential inequality. People are facing discrimination and stigmatisation in everyday interaction with institutions and individuals, which oppress their capability for self-determination and social participation. Despite formally forbidden, structural discrimination persists in culture and institutions like housing or labor markets.

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